
End of Year Bitches

As we barrel toward the end of 2006, I’ve got a couple of things to bitch about. Actually, I’ve got tons of things to bitch about, but for the sake of brevity and relevancy, I’ll stick to two.

Bitch #1: Christmas is approaching even faster than the end of the year. I haven’t started shopping; I haven’t bought or sent any Christmas cards; I’m not really ready. Actually, living in Miami, where it’s still 80 degrees and I still wear shorts everyday, it doesn’t feel like the holidays anyway. The remaining members of my family are on the opposite side of the US, so I won’t be seeing them this year.
And, to top everything off, every other blog in the world is posting Christmas music! Which brings me to my point. I was going to post Christmas music, but I was going to wait until closer to Christmas. Or at least until it’s officially winter. The 21st. I have a couple of holiday songs I’ve intended to post and will do so, even if everyone else already has them up!

Bitch #2: End of year “best of” lists. I’d love to do one. However, in looking back, it seems like most of the music I listen(ed) to came from years, if not decades, ago. I may be able to compile one - certainly not a Top 10 - but maybe a Top 5. Or Top 2. Or maybe I could do a best of the stuff I’ve enjoyed this year. I’ll figure something out.

But, this blog isn’t about my personal life; it’s about music. That’s why I’m only kvetching about music-related stuff. And, as a thank you for listening to my gripes, here’s a couple of songs from the Beavis and Butthead soundtrack (1993).

Search and Destroy.mp3 Red Hot Chili Peppers
I Am Hell.mp3 White Zombie
Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun.mp3 Anthrax
I Hate Myself and Want to Die.mp3 Nirvana

After I uploaded these, I realized my therapist would have a field day if she saw the titles and how they relate to the rest of this post! “I Hate Myself and Want to Die”? “Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun”? Really guys, it’s OK!
Take it for what it is.


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