Those Men Are Not Astronauts
MP3 blogging is supposed to be about discovering new music. Or, as is usually my case, rediscovering old music. Well, thanks to a reader named Alex, today’s post is about the former.A few days ago Alex sent me a couple of MP3s from San Francisco-based Sir Salvatore. I gave the songs a listen and liked what I heard. The songs have a definite Strokes feel to them, which is not a bad thing at all. I liked them and I hope you will as well.

We are a somewhat new and small band from San Francisco, Calif. I thought I'd introduce ourselves and tell you a bit about our band.Or, like they say on their MySpace space, Sir Salvatore “sound like your mom singing in the shower.”
In previous (defunct) projects, our band members have collectively opened for the likes of Xiu Xiu, Spoon, Crooked Fingers, and Denali. Although Sir Salvatore has only been playing together for less than a year, we have quickly become known as an up-and-coming band to catch live. We don't necessarily sound like any of these bands, but some of our musical heroes include The Unicorns, The Pixies, Polvo, and Pavement.

Hooray This Projector.mp3
Public Key.mp3
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